September 28, 2022

I’m thrilled to be heading to Columbus, OH where we’ll be performing 32 Sounds as part of a retrospective of my work at the Wexner Center for the Arts!

The retrospective starts on Wednesday, September 28 with a screening of The Rainbow Man/John 3:16. This was my first film, and I finished as a resident  at the Wexner’s Film/Video Studio (my first of several residencies at the Wex!). I’m very excited to bring the film back to Columbus and to celebrate my long relationship with the great folks at the Wexner.

We perform 32 Sounds the next night (with free popcorn before and a Q&A after!), and then later in October there are screenings of The Weather Underground and The Universal Language and other shorts.

You can read more about the program here

January 25, 2022

An odd and wonderful premiere last Thursday of 32 SOUNDS on the Sundance virtual spaceship!

One of the great things was the many people who texted me photos of themselves watching at home. Thanks to everyone who tuned in – I’m still processing!

We have more screenings coming up this week:

September 15, 2021

I said to Kat “this is the hardest movie I’ve ever made! I don’t think I can do it.” And she said,  “you say that every time – you said it with the last movie, and the one before that!” And I said “really???” And she said “yes!” And I said “but this time I really mean it!” And she said, “you said that last time too!” 

April 5, 2021

I made a new film portrait of the great composer Annea Lockwood, which I am very excited about! I know there’s an infinite amount of stuff online, but I would be thrilled if you’d take a look. If you know about Annea Lockwood, you know that she’s a lovely spirit and great muse. If you don’t know her – this is a good intro. She’s one of the smartest people about sound and listening out there. She’s made fantastic music, sound art, and performance for more than 50 years. And she’s a profoundly warm and generous person. It was a great creative challenge to try to make cinema about sound. The film is up and free all month at the Counterflows music festival website:

February 4, 2021

This week, JD Samson and I shared a new iteration of 7 Sounds at the Sundance Film Festival as part of their New Frontiers program. We’ve done a few versions of the project before — at IDFA and the Headlands Center for the Arts — but this 30-ish minute piece featured seven brand new sounds, and was something like a cross between a radio documentary, a sound walk, and ASMR. We asked listeners joining our livestream from around the world to listen to it in bed. It was wonderful to be back at Sundance and to share this latest version of 7 Sounds with new folks. Stay tuned for updates on the longer project JD and I are developing, 32 Sounds. 

November 21, 2020

JD Samson and I were thrilled to have 7 Sounds featured as the opening night performance at IDFA’s new media program, do {not} touch. The show was streamed simultaneously by listeners all over the world. Looking ahead to 2021, we’ll be pushing the piece forward in exciting new ways, and will have some exciting news to share very soon.

October 22, 2020

I filmed recently with the great avant-garde composer Annea Lockwood for my new documentary on sound. Annea was recording the Hudson River with a hydrophone. She’s a hero of mine, so it was a huge pleasure. I’m looking forward to featuring her and her work!