Sam Green is a documentary filmmaker. He’s made many movies including most recently 32 SOUNDS, a live cinematic collaboration with electronic musician JD Samson. Previous “live documentaries” include A Thousand Thoughts (with the Kronos Quartet), The Measure of All Things and The Love Song of R. Buckminster Fuller (featuring the indie rock band Yo La Tengo). Sam’s documentary The Weather Underground was nominated for an Academy Award and included in the 2004 Whitney Biennial.
Date Taken: 19-Mar-2015 02:03:32 Copyright: Bret Hartman Credit: Bret Hartman/TED Caption: Sam Green speaks at TED2015 - Truth and Dare, Session 8, March 16-20, 2015, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, Canada. Photo: Bret Hartman/TED Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III Focal Length: 24mm Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 3200 Shutter Speed: 1/250 second